Guitar Instruction & Chi?
Guitar instruction by frontier UK expert guitar tutor, John Mizarolli. Whilst at a karate class in Kings Cross, London, UK, John noticed that because the teacher was 3rd Dan, a master, not many of the 30 students argued about which moves or 'kata' the sensai demanded of them immediately!
What was happening was analysed by Johns weird brain and he realised that on further scrutiny, the event was simply put. A single persons will power, was agreed and acted upon, by the many, to get a desired specific result physically, mentally and ultimately spiritually. The obvious result of this Karate instruction was, increased speed in the attack and defence spontaneous muscle impulse! John then reached a conclusion in a moment of inspiration and clarity.

If you modelled the same system used in karate but, used it for guitar instruction, then the spontaneous muscle impulse gained, could be used for improvisation. So instead of reacting to an attack and using your arms and legs, as in karate instruction, you would react to a sound in your imagination, with your left and right hand fingers. Guitar instruction was never the same again. Maybe it is somehow unbelievable, but zen principles in music have never really been applied and clearly communicated before.

John uses the parallel to deliver some amazing guitar improvisation, composition and creativity. Singing and playing guitar in a metal band? Rockin' in the free world? Dancing? Painting? Writing? Well, to John it's all the same technique! But what is the terminology in each field? Posing? Or do you love the guitar? Does music flow through your veins? Were you born with some guitar talent too? Practise these guitar instructions and reach black belt and beyond.
Guitar instruction on how to play an electric guitar using chi energy! Everybody in the early 80's thought Mizarolli's system was a hype or a con he'd thought up only to make money with. Now 30 years later, John in reality blows most of the music biz guitar icons out of the window! Believe or leave!
John Mizarolli
Guitar Lessons
07958 427 236