Extraterrestrials won't allow the human race to experience full reality off the planet until we activate compassion to the weakest as a physical action on the planet! In 2009, David Cameron guaranteed to reveal all that the government has on Ufos! There has been a 40% increase in UFO activity every year as of late! The most looked up subject on the net is UFOs.
So what was it going to be for the year 2012? World War III or Feed the Starving? Cosmic consiousness or total abuse of human rights? The rich getting richer, negative globalisation of the earth, banks abusing our money etc..
If the Planet
blips out and decides to collectively devolute, who cares? There are endless lifeforms in the multiverse! The REVOLUTION IS NOW!

100 bilion dollars a year can end poverty on earth.
Some say about 13 trillion dollars in hard cash circulates the world system?
1% of the US military budget is enough to end poverty on earth.
10% of credit card
profits a year is 40 billion dollars.
90 billion dollars goes through Las Vegas daily.
Reputedly there are 38 billionaires that could pool their cash, creating 780 billion a year in interest alone!
Is it true that stock exchange markets generate up to 250 trillion dollars in air money?

Could a tweak of the machine feed with no loss, and even without Band Aid!
Divide 250 trillion dollars by 100 billion dollars and you get .001%! A 1000th of 1% of air money! enough to feed the world.
Obama, first African President of the USA! The most powerful man on earth? If he can't feed Africa, who can? Is the new world order going to be positive or negatively polarised. Is the oil industry 200 trillion dollars a year? Is the arms trade only 1 trillion a year? Does this mean no more governments? Only arms and politicians serving black gold corporations?
For the first time in human history, zero starvation within our lifetime is possible, using current communications technology. A mechanism on the web could raise the bucks required to end starvation forever! 100 billion dollars a year is a realistic reachable amount. So what if a plan could accelerate the physical manifestation of zero hunger by many years? A 1 hour film that explains and demonstrates in chronological order, the best ergonomic mechanics of the social and scientific engineering required to materialise this incredible humanitarian need.
The analogy is simple. If you want to, keep fit, learn guitar, drums, flute, fish, golf, progress architecture, build a rocket, learn how to do anything at all, yes you can google it and get countless books, cassettes, dvds and videos. Whether in forbidden or established human history, manuals on every subject under the sun from religion to sex to sport are available. Yet, not one book exists that is the A-Z of ceasing starvation and poverty forever!
Considering all the great souls that have visited this globe, claiming god, spirituality, enlightenment, a better way etc... don't you find it strange that a manual that explains step by step how to cease starvation does not even exist? Odd type of creatures on this 3rd stone. Hmmm....
Before humans establish an invention, they blueprint it. Yoganda stated 'When man sacrifices the Love of Power, for the Power of Love, we will have peace on earth' People have given up any hope of such a statement being possible. A flowery, hippie delusion takes its place again in the dreamers mind. Spiritual pap for many people. He still managed to get a sign up with these words, in the Whitehouse, where all the powerful world leaders could see it. Yoganda understood that before humans do something, they have to swallow the information on a Mind Level first, then maybe some will realize the true meaning of the message on a Heart Level. Only then will people even feel like doing something. Maybe only a few big boys would act, but a few is enough!
Via media, web, radio, tv, books etc, a new collective human conciousness is being created with a collective mind. Inspiration could create the realization that an answer lies in simplistic principles being activated. 4 easy steps to establish a sustained mechanism to cease starvation forever! A 1 hour video that will make the 4 steps crystal clear to anyone from 5 to 100 years old in any race, creed, color or religion. Not a dull TV documentary format, but a full blown Jurassic Park visual experience and production.
A broadcast to every country in the world, in every language! 'How To End Starvation' - Now a simple concept in the world populations mind but with an easy to understand solution. Then, just maybe the right people would actually put the plan to action as a reality, pretty much like a puzzle being solved! When the film is seen, understood, meditated upon, discussed etc the collective heart will be inspired to action. So if you talk to anyone after they have seen the film, they would have no doubt that at least in concept it is easy and possible. So far so good, but obviously it's just a fantasy at this stage!
4 Factors considered as
Focal Elements below.
Improvements welcome!
Factor 1
World Population
Factor 2
The Film
Presenting the Chronological Sequence of Engineering
Factor 3
The Kitty Graph
on the Web
0 to 100 Billion Dollars Thermometer Online
Factor 4
The Act of Doing |
So we end up with the whole population of the world doing what they do every day. By chance over a period of say a few years they all see the video and hopefully realise that at least in fantasy it's possible in 4 easy steps. When the plan is circulated and fixed into public awareness, media debate and full analysis will follow. A simple Money Graph starting at Zero and Maxing Out at a 100 Billion Dollars is placed online, ready for all the nice people on the planet to fill. When it reaches the 100 Billion mark then all that's left to do is follow the 4 easy steps on the Video and hey presto we have made World History!
Initially the Video is not physically solving the problem, but it will accelerate the time scale of the full establishment of a zero starvation plan in reality. If cessation of starvation is now 20 years away, after the Video it would be 5 years away.
The 4 stage synopsis is a must be foolproof in theory before any reality can be established. So the next phase is not the plan itself, but the correct details in each of the 4 factors to be analysed, debated and documented in chronological order before a budget is assigned!
All problems imagineable must be scrutinised by leading experts in all required areas. Is it possible this unique film will be void of political and financial corruption, is the question? I say "Unique Film" because there is "no" film like this on the market! If there is, I stand corrected, please tell me the name of it and I will buy it and further my education and end my ignorance.
What follows is the history of this project, ideas and all related areas needed for the creation of a perfect synopsis. The function of the video is as a prelude to the real thing. To inspire a planet into realising that whoever and wherever they are, whatever and whenever they do, there is no status change in their lives caused by a direct injection of 100 billion dollars a year into this humanitarian need!
Whether beggar, thief, businessman, criminal, artist, devout religious follower, builder, public, a nobody, a somebody, government, intelligence, military, politician.. status will be totally unaffected by the act of solving this ugly taboo. This is not a criminal clean-up campaign, a pointing fingers campaign or a corruption solving mission. By the the time crime and corruption are solved a few more million people will have died in agony! The human collective ego can stand up with it's head high and be proud that at last it did something that history begged to correct for thousands of years.
Now is the time for the next phase of Band Aid. George Harrison began with the Bangladesh Concert, 2 Band Aid Gigs have occurred, resulting in nearly 3 Billion People, 1/2 the planet, receiving the revolutionary transmission. Geldof and Bono have made their mark in the public mind, but the job is not yet finished! People are still continuing to die of starvation.
Upper class, middle class, working class, sub class and yet, in our so called civilisation, a starvation class!!!??? WTF!!? Totally unnecassary today with our current startrek technology that is being beamed in by the corporate universe to the public
Related Subjects
Film Synopsis Content |
A list of related subjects follows in the original note form of the idea when it was in its embryonic or seed stage. From these topics I hope to derive a strong synopsis of the video. Serious analysis, discussion and analysis will be required. These are in the original order of scrap notes discussed with many different people from many walks of life. The chronological order is being worked on and this list is to be constantly modified until it is the perfect plan. A true account of why this plan was even attempted will be documented soon. Follow the news updates on this page over the next few months |
Chronological order and full video synopsis of the plan required. Time scale of full plan completion?
Need a list of every single area affected by starvation on the earth, i.e Niger, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, Korea
Maps required - Africa, India, Korea etc 5 Main Starving Areas in the World
A strong ethnic representation and participation from people of the affected areas must be established for the projects |
Desalination process to convert sea water to fresh water? Too expensive and pollutive, depending on which method.
Dewpoint condensation technique. The concept could be scaled up for small villages and settlements.
Solar power is an obvious natural energy to generate (Chris Howard)
Weather engineering possibilities to change drought conditions?
What are the possibilities of artificially instigated ground and soil replenishment and fertility?
Food growth in pockets. Biospheres, Genetics, Artificial fertilisation technology.
Pipes must be plastic not metal for irrigation purposes
Shipping of materials for engineering. Corporate hitech level engineering and use of military, navy, airforce etc...
Irrigation systems. Is it true that in some places water is only 3 to 50 foot down?
Instead of oil drilling oil, what is the cost of a single water drilling truck?
A mild confrontational approach projected at viewers of the video. What is the best psychology to use to effect positive focus on ..
Day 1
You are who you are but the 100 Billion Dollars is circulating in the world money system
Day 2
This is the day the 100 Billion Dollar world donation is reached
(This day the World Freezes)
Day 3
You are still who you are but, the plan is beginning and your personal status remains totally unchanged !?
Freeze the World - Frees the World
Keep the frozen world concept in suspended animation in your mind! The day the world freezes is the actual day that we all fear! What will we lose in terms of status or power on that frozen Day 2? No matter who or what your power status is, you will lose NOTHING! That is the message, think about it and grow. |
Government, Band Aid 3, United Nations, Oxfam, Red Cross, Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, IMF, SNP, Fitch, Moodys, Banks?
Budgets, technology, manpower, expertise, Time scale management of communications, organisation and co-ordination, locking ergonomic infrastructures, managers,
co-ordinators, lawyers, military, internet, radio, TV, numedia.
Financial expertise, accountancy, geology,
sci-fi engineering,
irrigation, agriculture, solar power, telecommunications, water, politics and of course Rock'n'Roll!
This Vampire Voyeurism of the free and richer world must stop now!
The psychology of the sales pitch to the world must actuate belief and financial action!
Suspicion of where the money goes, will it reach the cause without corruption, will naturally be a major issue??!!
Who and what mode can be thought of to prevent money drain, corruption, and Mismanagement?
Answer: Divide the money into 200 realtime media monitored public banks in each of the worlds 200 countries, obviously with fair proportionate ratios depending on national wealth, reserves and GNP. Can we trust the banks in this current financial climate? Much room for discussion and research! Each bank could have 5 signatories who must publicly sign live on the net and TV, whenever money is to be moved.
Every single financial transfer will be justified in detail, monitored, tracked, filmed and reported live on the net and world media.
A live online simple beginning and end completion of each stage of the plan alongside the money graph will always be available. The 100 billion dollars must only be siphoned in stages as required!
Since the IMF, Moodys, Standard & Poor and Fitch are downgrading and upgrading whole countries, then it's obvious they have all the figures on each countries GNP (Gross National Product) and Reserves! These figures are also available from Reuters and Bloomsberg. We need to know what fraction 100 billion dollars is, of the worlds GNP and Reserves! This is not current public knowledge - it should be! This allows us to realise it is an insignificant sum, thus overcoming any fear that anyone would be grossly affected! What is the mathematical equation that shows how to extract yearly, 100 billion dollars, in correct callibration, according to the wealth of each nation! We need this Crucial Equation!


We need trustworthy public and corporate transparency to get all promotional materials through, once the mechanism is in place
The usual advertising campaigns etc.. Full cyberspace and realtime world media synchronisation of this goal. The current rot in the collective due to guilt is affecting human behaviour. The
northern hemisphere of the planet contains 1/5th of the worlds population but is consuming 4/5ths of the worlds resources!
Suicide rate in young people is going up due to internet sus! For young people the
equation for the future looks undesirable.
Tolerance in religion needs restoring.
Fundamentalism and extremism in all belief systems allows the starving to be ignored and blamed for no reason other than it's an opt out clause to avoid taking action because the excuses are easily absorbed by delusionary but justified punishment of the innocents. False doctrines are creating escape clauses! |
Religious hypocrisy? 2 people arguing about god whilst a starving kid holds out a hand out for food. 2 years later, they're still arguing over god but, a gravestone is seen in place of the poor kid!
Feed the starving and you are within your gods kingdom anyway! We need
budget experts, Amnesty.. is the United States of Africa coming?
We need a list of organisations that want to be candidates. The public will be deemed as a collective candidate. A list of religious organisations, spiritual cults, affiliations, charities, Oxfam, Red Cross etc Their financial prowess is pretty much public nowadays, so their contributions would be so minor that their future, stability, power and status would be totally unchanged.
Free will is kool!


I am in contact with a special effects man, Jon Collins, who worked on the first Daniel Craig James Bond movie. Jon was involved with the series 'Walking with Dinosaurs' made at London film studios Framestore. “I am ready and waiting for the start of the filming process when I will be able to put my skills and expertise towards a visionary and humanitarian project.”
The world collective ego needs to sus this synopsis as a recognised public throwaway hip phrase, after which, slow osmosis of the concept leads to the actual mobilisation of the plan. No trauma is experienced! In our team we need advanced psychologists and behaviourologists to profile and highlight the realistic worldwide negative reaction to this dream. Hopefully they will summerise a counteractive solution, as a synopsis to be produced and published. The music to the film needs to be inspiring.
About 15 years ago, I had a guitar student called Kevin Harrington, who happened to be the BBC's World Marketing Director. At the time I was pleased that he thought the video idea was good. I still think the plan needs a home in the Beebs top office. The concept can be sustained there until its conception is ready.
Around 2009 I contacted Kevin Harrington who stated the following:
The idea is interesting and could be redfined as a challenge to the well fed world. I think you are addressing an important issue here. I'm not sure the masses think enough about the problem, or see it as a problem, or think they can do anything about it. You are presenting the problem as 60 minutes of television. 10 years ago that may have felt right. Today things have moved on. This is a movement, you are an activist. Primetime slots on BBC1 come to you when you have woken the world up and made a nuisance of yourself. Stage one should be a series of low budget, genuine and low budget films about 2 minutes long. These need to be promoted like crazy via YouTube, Facebook etc.. Major supporter names need to openly criticise the apathy of governments and their electorates. Clothing could be used saying "If you're not helping you are a murderer!" And other shock statements. You are creating a movement. Then the major film director will want to work with you to create a 60 minute work of Art for television and online distribution. I hope these thoughts are helpful. I do think the idea has legs, it is really about the positioning. From a personal point of view, I'm not sure what real help I can be as I have been outside of the media world for 7 years now.
Kevin Harrington
www.josaka.com kevin@josaka.com
10% of yearly credit card profits is about 40 billion dollars. 90 billion dollars
goes through Las Vegas in 1 day. These are the type of figures that give perspective. A list of super rich Bill Gates type guys who are donating to the cause is needed? Warren Buffett etc..

This plan has been described as the biggest charity in the history of the planet!
Money making ventures can be offered to the corporates. Yes, it's possible to market the plan, make money and feed! Why else would a planet with a starvation class get involved? History so far proves our cancerous behaviour towards environment, war and poverty has not evolved, so use the greed to feed.

Another war in Ethiopia would be tragic for the victims, so the Government there must be inspired by the video to see it's role in the engineering of the land and out of free will want to make a change.
A Win-Win-Win philosophy is needed, the 3rd Win being the victims. The 1st Win is typically the rich countries and the 2nd Win, is the victims government. Economic hitmen must include the starving. Why does democracy only get involved in countries that only have resources to rape? We'll sort Libya because it has oil, but Syria well...? There's no oil, so why bother?

Mark Hewins, Bob Geldofs Guitarist, supported me on my Uk rock gigs in 2008. Mark is a talented player with a history that includes Gong, Lou Reed and Geldof. Mark offered to open channels when the time is right. Bob Geldof and Bono obviously endorse the cause. Public Celebrity endorsement will always promote attention quicker. But saying that, I intend making the film with or without celebrity help. I have been in promoting the project for at least 10 years. I'm not in a "Power Media Position" so I am limited in possibilities. My band Jody St were promoting a new wave of this concept as far back as 1980.

We had many lyrics and songs about feeding the starving and the outfit was described as britains brightest hope! The band was promoting peace in the middle east, anti apartheid concepts, feed the starving and let the british kids have decent places to go socially, as in the previous 10 punk years the UK kids were reduced to melting their brains by sniffing glue as a way out! WTF?Anyway the band was too politically heavy for those Thatcher times and it was sat on by the industry and the powers that be. Despite all this, we contributed, and laid down some heavy rock'n'roll templates both musically and socially for the future.

The best we got was a support tour with The Kinks after which the band split up due to management problems. In the last 30 years of teaching I have had people from all walks of life pass through my courses and I have promoted the starving issue with deep discussion and have been pleasantly surprised that many "Power People" who listened to the idea agreed to help when I was ready to move! One of the main arguements against the concept is that the people who run the planet don't want this to happen! My answer is 'You run your machine, and we'll help spiritualise it!'

Band Aid's last transmission reach nearly half the planet? Geldof and Bono kicked arse and presented there efforts to Blair! Bush! and the Pope! Even Bush wrote off 5 billion dollars in debts for an African country. A result is better than no result. The sad thing was that when it came to the moment for all the world politicians to announce decisions at a certain major international convention concerning the starving issue, it was eclipsed by a terrorist act in London on the very day the people of the world were waiting for the decision.

The truth is most people were rightfully suspicious. The perfect timing of this eclipse proves ill intent inside of the Bilderberg Group, 125 billionaires who supposedly run the planet! Another conspiracy theory is born. One of my guitar students from Camerroon is Stanislous. He has been in Amnesty International for at least 20. He believes in the idea as a unique concept yet to be born! He offers maximum endorsement and support which is great, as he is fully informed on the human rights records for the whole of Africa, as well as the rest of the world.
Guitar Lesson Enquiries

Another guitar student of mine is David Jackson. By chance, Daves father-in-law is a Middle East Water Irrigation Expert. Another positive channel for real useful information concerning water.
Paul Gray, another guitar student spent many hours with me discussing the film. Paul actually gave me the figure of 100 billion dollars and is strongly educated in the field. Paul is a great realist and very down to earth about what is really going on in terms of politics, finance, economics etc in the world. He also visits many 3rd world countries for business and understands the people from a roots level.

Through my guitar courses I met Steve Bush, contemporary music producer with bands like Stereophonics and 3 Gold selling albums to his name! Steve became a friend and was an amazing guitar student in the sense that he left no stone unturned in the effort to sus out my music philosophy. Steve is a great mind and rock'n'roller. He understands science, philosophy etc... to a very deep level and we have a great rapoire in Musical Analysis. We have had many heated debates about my ideas and a few years ago he introduced me to Ronnie Wood briefly when he was mixing his solo album which guested Bob Dylan and Rod Stewart.

At about that time, the press reported Mick Jagger dining with Steven Spielberg. My thoughts to getting Jagger to present the Film to Spielberg. Nice fantasy, Spielberg says yes, and makes the film like Close Encounters of a 3rd Kind! Steve said if, he believed that the film synopsis film was credible, maybe he could introduce it to Ron and see what was possible.

Anyway here I am feeling more than ready to communicate my ideas to power people. I have not acted on this before as I am basically a musician who knew nothing about making films and certainly did not have the confidence to step outside my guitar box to attempt a production. Working 7 day weeks doesn't leave much extra time.
In the last 3 years Music of the Spheres have combined their efforts with the Ministry of Video created a 40 minute Rockumentary promoting my guitarwork abilities. I now understand the mechanics of film making and many thanks to everyone who helped endorse my music. I truly believe that this vision would have a major paradygm shift effect on the world but only if it is of inspiring essence. The decision is not mine!

3rd April 2008 About a month ago I asked an old partner in crime Henry Thomas to read this page and see if he could maybe contribute positively to the concepts presented. Here is Henrys brief synopsis of this page.
Do you think worldwide starvation is an issue today?
Is it possible to eliminate starvation in our lifetime?
If there was a clear blueprint A-Z of ‘ceasing starvation forever’ shouldn’t we act upon that vision straight away? I am proposing such a blueprint, a way forward with the goal of ‘Ending Poverty in the Third World’. Make a film which details the process of what to do. Raise 100 billion dollars every year - Target it where it is most needed using the ‘Blueprint detailed in the Film’ and make the whole process totally transparent using the Internet.

Yoganda stated that “when man sacrifices the love of power for the power of love we will have
Peace on earth”. He said that before humans do something, they have to absorb the information on a Mind Level first, then eventually after Meditation on the words, some people suddenly wake up and Realise the true meaning of the message on a Heart Level. Once it's in the Heart then and only then do people do something.

1. Inspire the collective mind via Numedia
A one hour video with Jurassic Park level graphics, presentation, and production that will layout the 4 steps! To ‘How to End Starvation’. Simple enough for a 5 to 100 year old person of any race, creed, color or religion to understand. Broadcast to every country in the world in every language possible. The idea is to inspire the collective mind into realising how simple it would be to activate and establish a mechanism that would Cease Starvation Forever

2. Implant the concept in the 'Collective Heart’ leading to action
‘How to End Starvation’ will start as a talking point amongst those who have seen the film. Discussion meditation and understanding would then leave people in no doubt that at least in concept it is possible and doable. Then hopefully ‘a simple concept in the world consciousness’ would influence and inspire the right people to put the plan into physical action.
Simple Synopsis Of 4 Factors (which form the basis for the film)
The 4 Factors In The Mechanism To ‘Cease Starvation Forever’ are
Factor 1 The World Population
Factor 2 The Film Chronological Order of Engineering
Factor 3 The Kitty Or Graph On The Web
–--------------- (0 to 100 billion dollars thermometer online)
Factor 4 The Act Of Doing - NEXT PHASE

Correct details for each of the 4 factors needs to be analyzed, debated expanded and documented in chronological order
Budget is assigned.
Chronological order and full video synopsis of the plan required which is believable and credible.
Time scale of full plan completion?

This project is on going so we need big brained people who really care and are willing to inform, input, and share their expertise in the key areas of the Plan. The theory must be foolproof before any reality can be established.
The day the world freezes
Day 1
You are who you are but the 100 Billion Dollars is circulating in-the world money
Day 2
The day the 100 billion dollar world donation is reached is the day the World
Day 3
You are still who you are but, the plan is beginning and your personal status remains
totally unchanged!

Freeze the World - Frees the World
The frozen world concept is a thought to be kept in suspended animation in our minds. The day
the world freezes is the actual day that we all fear! What will we lose in terms of status or
power on that frozen Day 2?
No Matter Who Or What Your Power Status Is,
You Will Lose NOTHING!
That is the message, think about it, and grow.
An image at the beginning of video to make a point about religious hypocrisy. 2 People 20 yrs old arguing about god whilst a starving kid holds his hand out for food. Two years later, the same people are still arguing over God but a gravestone is seen in place of the poor kid! Feed the starving and you are within Gods kingdom anyway!
( further development waiting for more input)
A special effects man like Jon Collins who worked on James Bond movie - who made Walking with Dinosaurs.
A strong ethnic representation and participation from people of the affected areas must be established for the projects.
STORY BOARD ( in development waiting for more input) FILM REASONS TO MAKE THE VIDEO :There are countless reasons to make the video including:

The existence of a Starvation Class is morally unacceptable and totally unnecessary today. An indictment on all our world organisations to date.
- Ending Vampire Voyeurism of the free and richer world on the impoverished regions.
- Accelerate the time scale of the full establishment of a zero starvation plan which can be put into action.
- Another war in poor countries like Ethiopia and Somalia would be tragic for the victims, so the relevant governments must be inspired by the video to see its role in the engineering of the land and, out of free will, want to make a change!

Where would the money come from?
Use of the current communications technology to raise the sum required by grant and donations. Government, Religious Organisations, Banks, Public, etc.
How will the making of this film be void of political and financial corruption?
Presentation of information must be inspirational and avoid over obvious confrontational negative promotion of the problems. Although the blame game, finger pointing, corruption highlighting is the main factor, the mission is to inspire using truth and simplicity.
Who who control it?
200 banks in each of the worlds 200 countries, obviously with fair proportionate
ratios depending on national wealth.
How and who would decide to spend the bucks?
Experts in engineering of course.
How would everything be monitered and how do we prevent Fraud, Corruption and Mismanagement? Can a trustworthy financial source be set up as a channel without the greed gnomes descending upon the cash?
A simple money graph starting at zero and maxing out at a 100 billion dollars is placed online, tv and the press ready for all the nice people on the planet to fill it up! The real way to avoid a mess is to have many high profile monitoring systems!

Totally Transparent Public Monitoring
- A screen page with a dedicated TV channel on the internet recording financial transactions (which all participants would sign up to).
- Each Of The Banks Must Have 5 Signatories who must publicly sign live online whenever money is to be moved. Every single financial transfer will be justified, monitored, tracked, filmed and reported live via the net to the world media.
- The completion of each stage of the plan alongside the money graph should be documented & always available as it reaches the 100 Billion mark.
- The 100 Billion Dollars must only be siphoned in stages as required. After complete implementation of the ( Blue Print – the 10 easy steps on the Video) hey presto we have made World History
Making The Film
(Remember this project is on going so I do need expertise in all areas of the Plan )
Create A Forum For Public Involvement Discussion And Debate With An Online BLOG.
Questions such as;
- “Do you think worldwide starvation is an issue today?"
- "Is it possible to eliminate starvation in our lifetime?"
- What can we learn from history? So far our cancerous behaviour towards the environment, war and poverty has not evolved in any positive or negative ways (discuss)
- Why does democracy only get involved in countries that have resources to rape?
- Tolerance in religion needs to be restored. Fundamentalism and Extremism in all belief systems allows the starving to be ignored and blamed for no reason other than it's an opt out clause to avoid taking action because the excuses are easily absorbed by delusionary but justified punishment of the innocents - false doctrines are creating escape clauses
- Suicide rate in young people is going up due to internet - equation for future which looks bad discuss

----------FACTS & FIGURES
(More info like this would be great)
- 10% of credit card profits = $40 Billion
- $90 Billion goes through Las Vegas in 1 day!
- Northern Hemisphere of planet contains 1/5th of the world’s population but is consuming 4/5ths of the world’s resources.
- Izzee Misri yesterday gave me these interesting numbers. Jeffrey Sachs, an American Economist has published these figures. There are 950 Billionaires in the world. It has been calculated that if they created a Fund between them they could generate $750 Billion in interest alone in 1 year. Interesting little fact wouldn't you say?
- Every year the Total Wealth in the World is owned by fewer people. About 2% of the world own 95% of the Total Wealth. So it's not how rich people are that matters but, would they mind if the starving got fed?
- Microsoft were fined 680 Euros for bad business techniques last year

INFORMATION – (Relevant Statistics)
- Definition Of Starvation - is this the point at which a human beings health is so bad that they can no longer look after themselves? The beginning of this down spiral leads to death
- World Map with the density and position of all the starvation areas on the earth,
- i.e. Niger, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, Korea Highlighting of all the conditions leading to this point.
- A list of the worlds organised religions, spiritual cults, affiliations, charities, Oxfam, Red Cross, United Nations etc

- From all fields including, - Internet – New Media, Managers of Communications, Radio - TV - Coordinators, Finance, Lawyers, Accountancy, The Military, The Scientific and Engineering Community, Geology, Sci-Fi Engineering, Irrigation, Agriculture, Solar Power, Telecommunications, Water, Politics and Intelligence, Rock'n'Roll, Celebrity power input to the project

THE KEY LIFE SAVING – MECHANISMS (for further input are;)
Desalination process.
Sea water to fresh water = Expensive and polluting depending on which method
Dew point condensation technique. The concept could be scaled up for small villages and
(Chris Howard)
Weather engineering possibilities to change drought conditions?
Irrigation systems. Is it true that in some places water is only 3 to 50 foot down?
Instead of oil drilling what is the cost of water drilling for a single drilling truck?
Solar power would seem to be a good type of natural energy to generate for obvious reasons
Shipping of materials for engineering. Corporate Hi-tech level engineering and use of military,
navy, air force etc...
Piping must be plastic not metal for irrigation purposes
Transparent action with immediate effect to make cause a reality
What are the possibilities of artificially instigated ground and soil replenishment and fertility?
Food growth in pockets. Biospheres, Genetic Artificial fertilisation technology.
Time Scale Budget, Technology, , , Organisation of co-ordination of factor mechanics –
Locking Ergonomic Infrastructures,
- Budget - Amnesty - United States of Africa
- List of rich Bill Gates type guys who are donating to the cause? Warren Buffett
- Lists of organisations that will have a choice to be named that are candidates for helping with ‘The Solution’ The public will also be deemed as an organisation

Psychology of sales pitch to the world must actuate belief and financial action
Advanced psychologists and behaviourists to profile and highlight
peoples realistic /negative reaction and make a counteractive solution synopsis to be produced and published
Film Endorsements and statements, (in development waiting for more input)
Self Sustaining and Regional Development , World Market Capitalisms destroys poor and
and emerging economies |

(A special thanks to people who have helped me get this far include)
Paul Gray who is currently involved in establishing educational programs all over Africa which leads to the increase in the opportunity of choice for poverty stricken people? Paul deals with marketing and sales of computer based education in Africa which is introduced via government programs.
Stanislous who is from Cameroon Amnesty International ( the many discussions we have had over the years.
David Jackson. By chance David’s father-in-law is a Middle East Water Irrigation Expert. Another Positive channel for real useful information concerning water.
Jon Collins from the film company called ‘Frame Store’ who has been involved with special effects on the most recent James Bond movies. A major player in the making of the amazing "Walking With Dinosaurs" series of 6 broadcasts.
BBC - Kevin Harrington was BBC's World Marketing Director and thought this was a great idea. The plan needs a
home in the Beebs Top office for the concept to be sustained until it's ready for mobilisation.
Special thanks to Henry Thomas for his reshuffling and reordering of the ideas. Definitely a Positive Effort

April 3rd 2008
Approximately 1 month ago I had a meeting with Paul Gray and his idea was to present this concept as follows.
Hi John, I have taken out all the uncertainties as discussed. These can be added as we investigate further. I have also taken out the hippy stuff, the rants and the general waffle, this has made it a lot shorter…Seriously though, I have taken out a lot that I do not understand, so it may be that some concepts you want to put back in. For me a document has to have a purpose, so I have used a “call to action”. This just makes it easier.
Is it really possible to establish zero starvation on planet earth within our lifetime?
The answer to this is YES, and you can be part of the vision that makes it happen.The plan is to inspire the world and make them realise how simple it would be to activate and establish a mechanism that would cease starvation forever. Stage one of the proposition is to create a team of like minded people from as diverse a background as possible with the objective of making a one hour video. Heading the team and holding the vision is John Mizarolli. John has already built himself a strong reputation for being able to take complex and multidimensional concepts and making these concepts easily understood by everyone. John has been working on this vision for many years and has concluded that the time to implement is now. He explains “There is a new collective human cosmic consciousness being created via the media, the web, radio, TV, books etc... This new collective has a Collective Mind. With the current communication technologies available, it is now possible for the first time in human history too attempt the placement of a mechanism on the web that could raise the funds required to end starvation forever.”
The video, one hour in length will, in chronological order, explain the proposition of this incredible humanitarian endeavor. To quote John again. “Sort of cease starvation in 10 easy steps!” The purpose of the Video is to Inspire the population of the world and make them realise that they will be totally unaffected by the direct injection of the money required to meet this humanitarian need. The message will make the plan crystal clear to anyone from 5 to 100 years old in any race, creed, color or religion. Once it has been broadcast to every country in the world in every language possible then at least "How to End Starvation" will become a simple concept.
When the film is seen, understood, meditated upon, discussed etc the Collective Heart will be inspired to action and the next stage can begin. The second phase is to create an aggregator web site that will represent graphically the money’s needed to reach the zero starvation goal and in real time. The funds already collected will be displayed on this graph, the source of the funds will be aggregated from ALL the global sources, Governments, World Bank, United Nations as well as Charities, Oxfam, Save the Children etc. It will also depict where money has been pledged but not yet contributed. This visualization will allow all contributors and the global population to see and be part of the overall strategy.
A selection of the current contributors to the plan;
Kevin Harrington, BBC's World Marketing Director 'The idea is interesting. It could be redefined as a challenge to the well fed world'
Mark Hewins, Guitarist for Bob Geldof. 'An exciting project that I do not want to miss out on and I am looking forward to contributing further'
If you, like the rest of the team, feel the need to be a contributor to this unique project, please send your details, including any skills, expertise, resources or funding available to you, to the address below.
Special Thanx to Paul Gray for his concise and positive approach.

Freeze The World
69 Fleetwood Rd
Dollis Hill
NW10 1NR
