Left Handed Guitar Playing
(.....exerpt from letter to John Mizarolli)
I feel I was born a little bit different than normal people. Generally it's not problem, but I need special left handed consideration to start to play guitar, or so I thought. Where I live, believe it or not, at our local community centre the music club doesn't provide left handed tuition as everybody who comes to learn playing the guitar is using their right hand to play. In other words there is no left handed guitar provided to students. It should make no difference! I don't know why they forgot that some people may be a left – hander. I know many people who operate mostly by left hand, it is said we are more intelligent than others. I think this might be true as Jimi Hendrix was a left handed guitarist and look what he created! I feel sort of special that I don't naturally use my right hand as generally everybody is right handed. But it wasn't until I wanted to find left handed training, I realised how small minded some people are. I was falsely told it can be a problem to find the right teacher. John finally put my mind at rest when he said that only a fool would think it makes any difference at all to teach a left handed guitarist. One teacher tried to give me left handed tuition, but he gave up after only one lesson up and told me I really need some specialist. No wonder I was confused. What a failure as a guitar teacher he was. My long search for left handed lessons made me very sad as I always knew that in truth, the technique for playing left handed was exactly the same as a playing right handed. It's should be that the guitar teacher and student feel like they're looking in a mirror which makes it easier.
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