The best guitar strumming techniques in the world. Mizarolli used to play with Earth, Wind & Fires horn section and drummer in the early 70s. His fingers dance on the guitar strings like elves on lillies across a pond. Guitar chords, rhythmically co-ordinated are the best jazz-funk sound I have heard in years.
Guitar strumming techniques are a special talent that Mizarolli has incorporated into his course of guitar lessons. Guitar schools, classes, courses and Dvd lessons are all loaded with variations of different ethnic strumming techniques. Strumming on guitar can range from Bob Dylan to Flamenco.

Guitar strumming techniques range from Pete Townsend to Jimi Hendrix. Good guitar rhythms send the blood from my heart pumping, energy to my veins, music to my ears, like an engine of a car, the wings of a bird, like fresh air, rain for the desert, food for the hungry, muscles for training, sun for the Earth. Yes rhythm is the life force of music. I can play and use guitar strumming techniques with closed eyes now.
I treat my guitar like a drum. This needs invention and creativity to compose and create that special guitar music – each time different, unique and amazing. Flamenco rhythms fused with indian tablas. Special guitar strumming techniques means being a perfect guitarist and to have guitar experience in rhythm is vital. Guitar strumming techniques are the key to the buz on a gig. John opened my feel for music using funk and advanced muting techniques!
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